Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Can you multitask?

My idea of multitasking is sitting on the floor of the bathroom, feeding the baby while the boys play in the tub! Sounds fun right? LOL

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We are recovering here from a dramatic outbreak of LICE!! Uggg, I'll resume posting once the laundry and housework is back on track :(

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blogging as Accountability

Here goes nothing:

Welcome, this is my very first ever blog post. Seems a little outside of myself, but I'm going to give it a try. It occurs to me that I have spent much time "entertaining" myself with many forms of media (ie facebook, blog reading, etc.) and I am looking for a way to be more productive in my spiritual life. What is important to me is NOT what I have let my focus be. I want that to change. So I am going to get up and DO something for God. Then i will spend some time culling the blogs that I read in order to spend LESS time entertained and MORE time in obedience, redeeming the time (Col 4:5).

Where do I start? With my children!! I want to start teaching them about CHEERFUL obedience. Not just obedience, cheerful obedience. I have, in the past, done a lousy job at this! What's more, I've done a lousy job at setting before their little eyes an example that is worthy of the grace and the love that God has shown to me. I want to be as cheerfully obedient as I expect them to be. I was reading this morning and saw a great article about how our obedience should be, prompt, complete, and cheerful! So I want to endeavor to live this way in front of my children!!

I find myself, more often than I should, letting the stresses of my life turn me into gouchy mcgrouchypants. Mucking through my daily tasks with no joy or fulfillment, simply trying to "get it done". This stems significantly from the fact that "getting it done" usually means the job will need to be repeated in record time (7 children and a husband will do that to ya.)  So today I will be cheerful in my walk and in EVERY task that I complete (or at least TRY to complete.)

Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."